Thursday, September 29, 2011

Get Free Energy and Free Relaxation in The Sims Social Today!

We're continuing our trip through the world of free things in The Sims Social and today I'm offering you the links to Free energy in The Sims Social, as well as one Free Relaxation. This is part of the Sims Social one wek of free goodies, and you should expect to get even more:

- Click here to get +3 free energy
- Click here to get Free Relaxation

Don't forget to add The Sims Social Info on Facebook if you want to be updated about the latest freebies and releases in The Sims Social!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Sims Social Land Expansions Guide Here

Hello, fellow Sims Social players! Playfish has decided to bring some happiness to our virtual Sims Social homes by unlocking a series of Land Expansions in the game, after teasing the new feature just a couple of days ago. I am sure you are curious to find out everything there is to be known about the Sims Social Land Expansion, so read on in this article for a complete guide.

The land expansions available in the game will be introduced to you by a simple mission, Landing Party:

There is a total of 9 land expansions available for us to purchase, and you will see the "For Sale" sings surrounding your house:

Clicking on any land parcel that you wish will bring up the purchase menu and you'll see the requirements for your purchase. In the case of the first land expansion, it costs you 2,000 Simoleons, 3 Contracts and 1 Signature (for these later two items, you will need to ask your friends):

However, don't you think that for all land expansions, the same requirements will apply. As you purchase more land expansions, their prices will increase, so start gathering as many Contracts and Signatures as possible in The Sims Social!

So here we have it - Land Expansions are finally available in The Sims Social. Are you happy about the release or you were expecting something different, maybe?

Two More Sims Social Home Designs for Inspiration

I am really happy that we've already received a couple more home designs for Sims Social players to use as inspiration and I am going to share them both with you in this article. I guess that you simply know that a game is extremely well made when so many design options are available. Even though basically most of the items in the homes we've got are the same, they can be placed and designed in such a way to create completely unique houses. And I guess that is one of the main reasons that make The Sims Social such an inspiring and successful game!

But enough chatting, let's start by checking out the amazing Sims Social home of Mila Hathaway who knows how to live like a star:

An now, an elegant and minimalistic Sims Social home design from joeahlfs:

If you want your house to be seen by the entire Sims Social community or if you have any nice images or tips to share with us, don't forget to send them over at

Sims Social Tips: Reviving 10 Plants for Completing the Mission

For the Need to Know mission in The Sims Social, one of the requirements is to Revive 10 Plants and everybody is complaining that it's really difficult to find neighbors with withered plants to revive. However, I am here to share with you a very simple trick that will certainly help you complete the mission faster:

If friends revive your own plants, they count towards the quest's limit, so there's no point in searching for dead plants at your neighbors', but instead let yours die and wait for your friends to revive them.

Also, if you have some real friends playing the game, you could talk to them and ask them to plant some plants and let them die, just for you to revive. This way, you will finish the Revive 10 Plants mission even faster.

Found this tip useful? Don't forget to Share it on Facebook and also like The Sims Social Info on Facebook!

The Sims Social Stuck at 65%, Hit a Snag and Not Loading Errors Return

Today is not the happiest day in the Sims Social history as two new errors make a massive comeback to the game, making it impossible for many gamers to load the game. The errors that we're talking about are already famous ones:

- the game gets stuck at 65% during the loading screen and no refresh seems to solve things
- the game gets "We've Hit a Snag" error message during the loading screen and enters a loop that repeats the same message over and over again and it makes it impossible for people to load the game.

It appears that there are no official fixes for these two errors that make The Sims Social unplayable, but some players report that cleaning the cache of their browsers and reloading the game did the trick and they never had the problem again. So it would be best to try that for yourself.

Also, switching between browsers (so switch to Chrome if use use Firefox or vice-versa) might do the trick.

If not, we can only hope that Playfish finds a fix and applies it as soon as possible...

What about you? Did you have problems with loading the Sims Social recently?

Get Some Free Love in The Sims Social Today

I hope that you still remember about the Week of Free items that started in The Sims Social yesterday - and even if we don't, I'll be here to remind you every day! And today it's time to grab a brand new free reward from the Sims Social development team, Free Love!

Just click the link below to get your FREE Love in the Sims Social and don't forget to check back daily for even more freebies!

Click here to get Free Love

Also, don't forget to share this article with your Facebook friends and like our Facebook page in order to stay up to date with the latest news and information about The Sims Social game!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Sims Social Week of Free Stuff Begins with 400 Social Points

Electronic Arts and Playfish must be really thankful to all the active players The Sims Social managed to gather since its launch (we're talking about almost 61 million players now!) and they have decided to kick off a "We Love You More" campaign in which we'll have a week of free stuff - every day they will give us something for free and The Sims Social Info will be here to make sure that you get all the items too!
For starters, let's go with the FREE 400 Social Points (thanks for the heads up) The Sims Social team is offering. You can get them by clicking on the link below:

Get 400 FREE Social Points here

Don't forget to like The Sims Social Info on Facebook if you want us to keep you up to date with the latest news and freebies!

Like A Good Neighbor

10 Ways On How To Be Your Friend's Favorite Neighbor

Hi, all!  I'm Coz and I'm delighted to now be contributing to The Sims Social Info. You may have seen my house in a recent posting.  Of course, it's changed a bit over the last 24 hours as I'm constantly tinkering with things, but it's still basically the same.

For my first article, I'd like to point out some tips on how to be a good neighbor in The Sims Social.  They're important to remember because you need your neighbors to be good as much as they need you.

Now, I know some of these things can only be achieved if you have the money to do so (like having a couch), so just keep them in mind for when you are in the position to follow them.

  1. Have a couch in front of your TV (Also, have a TV)
    I can't tell you how many times I've tried to interact with my neighbors by watching TV with them only to find out they don't have enough room for the both of us to sit down on.  This also became pretty frustrating when, during a quest, I needed to watch TV with 6 friends.  This quest would have never been achievable if they didn't have a TV or the couch for us both to sit on.
  2. Have a radio
    This gives your friends the ability to dance with you and the more things you can do with your neighbors when you come over to visit, the less boring it gets.  Be sure to put it in a place that two people can stand close to, too… which brings me to #3...
  3. Be aware of your interactive objects' surroundings
    Don't place a canvas or musical instrument in between two other items.  Your friends will not be able to paint a portrait of you or play for them.  I have not been able to figure out which side needs to be open.  It may differ for each thing (which seems like a bug to me). It seems in some places, I can't paint someone's portrait if the left side is blocked but at another friend's house, I can. So leave both sides open, if you can.  On a similar note, make sure your couch has enough room to walk around it.  And finally, make sure anything you have that can break has one side open so you or your friend can repair it.
  4. Have a bare counter in the kitchen
    If you're going to have an oven, leave a counter-top bare.  This will not only help you with your cooking, but also allow your friends to cook you things while they're visiting.
  5. Be aware of your doorways
    Make sure all your doorways are usable and you don't have anything in the way of them.  Also, make sure you HAVE doorways to all your rooms.  I had this one friend who made his front door lead into a room with nowhere to go and flowers blocked the pathways to anywhere else outside, too.  I couldn't interact with him for days.  Then I finally told him about it.
  6. Have garbage cans and/or trash bins
    They seem pretty useless at first, but part of my daily 5 ritual (when using up my 5 daily bonus energy on my friends) is to rummage through their garbage cans.  This gives me 10 XP, 5 Simoleons, and sometimes an Energy bolt.
  7. Let your romantic friend Woohoo! you
    If someone wants to Woohoo you, why wouldn't you do everything possible to allow them to?  Am I right?!  So if you have a romantic relationship with a friend, make sure your bed is big enough for the both of you.  You can still Woohoo in the shower or tub, but y'know… sometimes we need a soft place we can bounce on.  (I've never had this problem because I've always had a full-size bed, but I heard this was an issue.  If Woohoo'ing is not a problem on a single bed, then disregard this)
  8. Help them complete quests
    You'll really be appreciated when you have these other items, which will help them complete quests… even if you have no use for them.
    • Mirror: A necessity for a quest.  Your friends will appreciate that you have a mirror they can use, even if you never use it.
    • Phone: Also needed to complete some quests which require making phone calls.  It's nice to go over and use free energy on a friend's phone.
    • Garden plots: They will help your friend when they're sent on quests to water and/or revive crops.
  9. Keep up your end of the relationship
    Relationships are a two-way street in real life, just as they are in The Sims Social.  If I'm spending my daily 5 on you and you're not spending them on me, then our relationship begins to deteriorate pretty quickly.  Ever get those reminders pop up from your friends saying they haven't seen you in awhile and our relationship status is grey and dropping?  But you were just over there yesterday?  Yeah.  It's not your fault.  I'm currently trying to keep 4 or 5 friendships afloat all by myself right now and I'm sure it's because they're not coming over to spend time with my Sim.  tsk tsk tsk.
  10. Let them know you've visited
    OK!  So now that you're keeping up your end of the relationship and visiting your neighbors every day, it gives you the option to tell your friend that you've visited… do it!  You give them money and stuff!  Don't you like when your friend does that for you?  :)
That's all for now!  Be sure to leave your tips in the comments below if I missed anything.  They may even end up in the inevitable part 2 to this article. 

Now let's get ready for that land expansion which appears to be coming any day now.

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Sims Social House Design: Coz Baldwin's House

I didn't pay too much attention to the walls of my Sims Social house until now, but after seeing Coz Baldwin's amazing house, I realized how much I was missing and the real need to actually invest in my walls' beauty :) But enough about me, check out Coz Baldwin's dream house from The Sims Social, a home where you can find almost everything, minus the new aquarium and perhaps the expensive electric piano. Which are planned to be purchased and maybe already purchased.

If you think that you have a nice house design that could be featured on The Sims Social Info, don't hesitate to send us an e-mail with the pictures at . And also, don't forget to like our Facebook page!

Land Expansions Might Be Coming Soon to The Sims Social

Initially, it seemed that we had all the space in the world for our houses in The Sims Social but now, after getting more money in the game and building up the rooms, things are different. So it hasn't been long before The Sims Social players started to ask for some land expansions. But nobody actually expected them to be released so soon. At least this is what a few hints suggest.

First of all, we have one announcement made by The Sims Social development team themselves: "We're going to be adding something very cool that will help you build your dream home. What do you think it could be?"

And the obvious question would be land expansions (although some people are still thinking that we're talking about a second level added to the house). Still, our friend Coz Baldwin noticed a thing we missed:

You can now move around the "out of bounds" area a lot more? Unless I've just not taken notice to it up until now, perhaps they're gearing up to finally release some extra land to us to build on.

And this might indeed be the case. What do you think, though? Will be land expansions coming soon to The Sims Social or the developers were maybe talking about something else?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Slix Clothes Collections Released in The Sims Social

The Sims Social has just received a new set of clothes to make your Sim look Sleek: the Slix collection is there for the sporty Sims who like to have fun. Here are the items that you can purchase for your male Sim following the release of the new Slix Collection in The Sims Social:

Don't forget to like us on Facebook to stay up to date with all the changes in The Sims Social!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Get 300 FREE Social Points in The Sims Social

In case you didn't know that already, the folks over at Playfish love to give us all sorts of freebies and their lastest offer is that of 300 FREE Social Points in The Sims Social which is, as any regular player knows, quite a gift!

Offered as a Thank You gift for the fact that The Sims Social has just reached the impressive 50 million active players mark, the 300 free Social Points can be claimed by anybody by clicking the link below:

Click here to get 300 FREE social points in The Sims Social

If you want to know everything about similar gifts and also be up to date with everything related to The Sims Social, don't forget to like us on Facebook.

More Sims Social Item Stacking Madness

I guess you already know about the possibility to stack items in The Sims Social in the most absurd or funny manners since I've already shared a few images with funny stacking, but I guess that we can never have enough Item Stacking and that's exactly what our dear reader Kenn Kusumanegara thought, so he sent us his Item Staking pictures, with details about each of the images below. So check them out below!

Images 1, 2, 3: flying thingies (can only be done on more-than-2-square items like this: I put my, say, keyboard on 2 tables side by side, then move one of the tables on top of the other one. I'll have a keyboard standing on either left or right of its side on 2 stacked tables. Then, i click on my keyboard and rotate it until it goes 'green' (it needs 2 empty spaces below my keyboard in order to work, no other items or a wall) This sometimes work, but sometimes don't, so i guess luck plays a role here)

Image 4: Guitar singing on the Fridge. Just stack as many and place an item above

Image 5: 'Hovering' or floating coffee machine: I put the coffee machine on a table, and put a mat / rug right under the table. then, I click on the mat and move it. The coffee machine will move away from the table, but stays above the mat.

Image 6: Another Sims Social bug, but i have no idea how my friend managed to do this.

Got similar images or any other images that you think we'd find interesting? Please send them over at

Sims Social House Design: Adnene's Home

Here we are with another really nice house design in The Sims Social, this time with Adnene's Home. As you can see for yourself, she has there everything a Sim would like and we'd like to send over all the love towards her and her great home design in The Sims Social. Congrats, Adnene!
If you have a home design (or any kind of image or info) you'd like to share with us, please send it over at

Monday, September 19, 2011

Get 400 More FREE Simoleons in The Sims Social

Well, Playfish certainly love to offer us free gifts in The Sims Social, and that's nothing but a great thing: this time, we're talking about 400 free simoleons in our favorite social game which can be obtained by clicking on two links:

- Click here to get 300 Free Simoleons
- Click here to get 100 Free Simoleons
The first link offers you the money because the official Facebook page of The Sims Social has just reached 5 million likes, while the second link is a bonus offered by Playfish because they simply like to give us gifts. So make sure you click these links and grab your free Simoleons before they become unusable!

If you want to always stay up to date with the latest Sims Social info and news, don't forget to like us on Facebook!

The Sims Social Secrets Released - Download the Complete Sims Social Guide!

One of the best known game guide creators in the world, Tony 'T Dub' Sanders, has decided to finally come here and help us all Sims Social fanatics by releasing the first ever Sims Social Secrets Guide, a must have for every serious Sims Social player!

This amazing guide tells you how to legally dominate the Sims Social (without cheating, and therefore without risking to get banned from the game), have tons of Simoleons, Sim Cash and FREE items, have most neighbors and best decorated rooms in the game. And even more!

Here are a few things the Sims Social Secrets Guide will teach you:

- Get from level 1 to level 37 in minimum time
- How to avoid making the same mistakes as 93% of the players when it comes to building their Sim and House
- Secrets to build your ultimate Sim
- Add HUNDREDS of neighbors in a few hours!
- Get limited edition items FOR FREE
- and much more!

I am sure that only these reasons alone (but there are more) will make it worth getting the Sims Social Secrets Guide so waste no more time if you want to be ahead of all your competition and download it the Sims Social Guide by clicking this link right now.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

New Dunkin Donuts Themed Gifts Available in The Sims Social

Yesterday I told you about the Dunkin' Donuts Lawn Chair, now I am here to tell you about two new Dunkin' Donuts items available in The Sims Social: the Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Boost and the Dunkin' Donuts Big 'n Toasty. These are two new items that are available as free gifts in the game and you can start sending and receiving them right away!

Just like the previous Dunkin' Donuts free gifts, these have the same stats:

- Dunkin’ Donuts Iced Coffee Boost gives 1 Energy
- Dunkin’ Donuts Big N' Toasty gives 20 Simoleons

Are you excited with all these Dunkin Donuts themed items in The Sims Social?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Amazing Picture: Priceless Sims Social

Our Sims Social Facebook page fan Charles found and shared an amazing Sims Social-related image: the price you must pay for a truly unique Sims Social experience. Without further ado, check out the amazing image below. the PRICELESS Sims Social image:

If you like this image, don't forget to share it on Facebook so everybody can see it. It's PRICELESS!

The Sims Social Country Kithcen Items Releasd

This week, it's Country Kitchen week in The Sims Social, which means that a ton of Country-themed items for our kitchens have been released in the game and, even though there are not so many fans of retro kitchens and most prefer modern ones, there are some pretty interesting items to purchase. Also, many other Country themed items have been released for the other areas of the house and I invite you to check them out below!

Country Kitchen Items

Country Living Items
Country Decorations

As I said, there are quite a few nice items to choose from and the recommended items from are:

1. G King Counter (15,000 Social Point, but gives 21,250 house value!)

2. Vintage Wines

3. Cereal Shelf

4. Antiquitate Oil
What do you think about the Country theme in The Sims Social? Like it or not?

Get Yourself a Nashville Look in The Sims Social with New Clothes

There's a bunch of new items of clothing available in The Sims Social, the Nashville themed clothes that you can start purchasing for your Sim if you want to go for a Nashville look: comfortable and with brown-gray colors.
In order to check out the new clothing theme, just click on the Clothes button and then select the "Special" option. There are six new clothing items to choose from but, as you can see in the image below, they are all (except for the new hair style) available for Sim Cash only:
As you can see, I am a he-Sim in the game and therefore I don't have access to the female Nashville themed Sim Clothes, but if you do and want to share them with the other Sims Social players, you could send them over via e-mail at

What do you think about this new theme? Will you buy these clothes for your Sim?

The Sims Social Insane Trait Improved, Must Have!

The Insane Trait in The Sims Social was a pretty interesting one and probably the most discussed Sims Social Trait because it was modified by the developers: initially, Insane Sims were able to talk to plants at no energy cost - which in turn increased the Social of the Sims. However, pretty soon Playfish and Electronic Arts have decided to make the "Talk to plants" option cost 1 energy, therefore making this trait a little less useful.
However, today Playfish announced that new changes have been made to the Insane trait: even though the energy cost for talking to plants remains, if you manage to upgrade the Insane trait all the way to level 4, you will be able to Talk To Yourself, an action that costs no energy and improves both you Social and the Food needs. Which makes the Insane Trait one that you should really have!

What do you think about the Insane trait and the bonuses it gives?

Get 400 FREE Simoleons in The Sims Social!

Electronic Arts just love to offer us freebies for playing the Sims Social and I am sure nobody minds. Today, alongside the free items like the Pompeii Fireplace or the Dunkin' Donuts Lawn Chair, they are offering 400 Free Simoleons in The Sims Social. I have received this great offer via e-mail, but if you didn't you should not worry because I am here to share the link with you.

Just click here to get your 400 FREE Simoleons
Stay tuned for new details about the new Kitchen theme in The Sims Social and don't forget to Like us on Facebook to be always up to date with everything related to The Sims Social!

Sims Social Free Item Link: Pompeii Fireplace

No matter if you got it already or not, a Pompeii Fireplace can never hurt in your Sims Social home, so I think that you'll find it really useful to click the link below before it expires to get a brand new and totally free Pompeii Fireplace item in The Sims Social. How to get it?

Simply click here and collect your FREE Pompeii Fireplace

This was part of the "More to like" campaign in The Sims Social, but the initial link was taken down. Now this one is working and you should be fast to get it because we can never know how long will it take until it will be taken down.

If you like knowing about free items and latest news on The Sims Social, don't forget to like this site on Facebook!

Get Your Free Sims Social Dunkin' Donuts Lawn Chair

I told you a while ago that if you like the Dunkin' Donuts Facebook fan page, you will be able to receive a nice, unique item for your Sims Social house and now is the time to get it (and also like the Dunkin Donuts Facebook page if you haven't). The item that we're talking about - and which is offered for free - is the Dunkin' Donuts Lawn Chair, a place your Sim will get to love once he or she places it somewhere in the house or outside.

If you want to get the FREE Lawn Chair, you must:
1. Like Dunkin Donuts on Facebook:

2. Click the "Get Chair" icon and...

Enjoy your Lawn Chair in The Sims Social!

Did you get it or you consider that liking a page for a single item is not worth the trouble?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Sims Social Problem: Can't Become Totally Inseparable with Other Sims

One of the known problems of The Sims Social is that one which makes it impossible for sims to become totally inseparable with other Sims in the game. This is due to a bug that makes it impossible to send the request (aka the request is lost somewhere along the way).
So don't be scared too much if you can't get to Totally Inseparable with other Sims in The Sims Social: it is a known issue and Electronic Arts is working to find a way to fix it. However, unfortunately, at the moment there is nothing you can do to make it work.

But make sure that you like the Sims Social Info on Facebook to be kept up to date with the latest news in The Sims Social, including the fix for this problem!

Complete Guide to Sims Social Skills and Levels

There are a lot of skills in The Sims Social which can be obtained by interacting with different objects. So even if you feel that sometime you get stuck and it appears impossible to further increase your skill, that is probably incorrect and you only need to find the correct item to interact with (usually purchasable from the market). However, in order to help you with this guessing thing and give you a chance to actually do things easier, forum user Aqua_Yurika has decided to create a complete guide to Sims Social Skills and Levels and, of course, the items to interact with. Before checking out the guide itself, we should read the following notes:

NOTE: Currently, all skills level can only be leveled up to 84/85. If you want to go higher, you have to spend SIMCASH/real money/facebook credits.

NOTE 1: If you know for sure that you won't be able to unlock the next level, don't level up all your skills. Ex: You're at level 50, the next skill to unlock is level 55, and you don't have enough ingredients for 5 whole levels (or 2, if you have a x2 and x3 skills left) --> Don't level up. I'm noting this because sometimes you may get a quest that asks you to do a writing action or something, or get a level up, and you have nothing left to do.

Now let's start with the guide to the Art Skill (click the images to enlarge):
Let's continue with the cooking skill in Sims Social:
Time to move to the Music Skill:
And finally, the Writing Skill in The Sims Social:
Cheers to Aqua_Yurika for creating these amazing guides to the Sims Social skills and levels!

How to Save The Sims Social Game Progress

As you probably know already, there is no "Save" button in The Sims Social and the progress of your game is saved automatically by the game. But you probably also know that it happens every now and then to quit the game only to return and see that your progress was not saved. Fortunately, I found a way for you to work around this small problem and save your progress in The Sims Social.
This is what you need to do to save your game: simply visit a neighbor (must be different than the last one you've visited) and the game will save automatically. So if you finish a quest, for example, and visit another neighbor, your progress will be saved by The Sims Social and you shouldn't have any unpleasant surprises when you return!

The Sims Social House Design: Fernanda's Home

It's time to check out once more another inspirational and amazing house design in The Sims Social and this time we're presenting you Fernanda's house. Here is what the maker herself has to say about this nice looking home:

"I'm sending you guys the screenshot of my house. It may not have all the content in the world, but it has some tips on organizing stuff, like stacking the coffe table on the kitchen counter, or using the cookbook sideways."

A really interesting design, check it out below (click image to enlarge):

Do you think that you have a nice house design or any other images to share with fellow Sims Social players? Send them over at!

The Sims Social Becomes Second Most Played Game on Facebook

I don't know if Electronic Arts were expecting it when they released The Sims Social on Facebook, but it just happened: The Sims Social has just become the second most played game on Facebook and it continues to grow, threatening the number 1 position which is held for some time now by Zynga's CityVille. According to AppData, The Sims Social now has over 10 million active daily players, while CityVille has a bit over 13 million.

It's really interesting to see that FarmVille only has 7.7 million active daily players, while Empires and Allies has a bit over 6 million.

The Sims Social does great in terms of Monthly Active Users, with 40 million people playing EA's social game, but here CityVille is still a long way ahead with 75 million monthly players.

However, it's the daily active players who matter because these are actually the hardcore players and we can see that The Sims Social does extremely well in this area. Who would've thought it?

Are you glad to know that The Sims Social is close to becoming the most popular game on Facebook?