Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sims Social The French Connection Mission Series Guide

The French theme has been released in The Sims Social as announced and it brought us a pretty interesting new mission series, The French Connection series. We're talking about 7 new fun missions to complete and I am here to share with you all the details about these missions so that you know exactly what you have to do to complete them all as fast as possible! So read on and enjoy!

The French Connection Mission Part I
- Buy or Have the French Bookcase (850 Simoleons in the market)
- Learn Sim French (interact with the French Bookcase)
- Speak Sim French to 1 Sim Friend (Flatter them, then use the new French interactions)

The French Connection Mission Part II
- Ask 1 Friend what is WooHoo
- Ask 2 Sims if they like to WooHoo (which is a bit impolite, right?)
- Have 5 Muse

The French Connection Mission Part III
- Ask 3 Sims if they know what Naughty Friends are
- Look up Naughty Friends on the Internet 7 times
- Have 7 Cold Showers

The French Connection Mission Part IV
- Try Baking Petit Fours 7 times (on your Le Cafe Grand Patisserie)
- Try Writing Poetry 7 Times
- Try Making Sweet Music 7 Times

The French Connection Mission Part V
- Buy 1 French Neckerchief (1,500 social points)
- Buy 3 Different Paris Furniture Items
- Have 15 Love

The French Connection Mission Part VI
- Massage 3 Sims on Sofas
- Practice French Kiss with 3 Sims
- Ask 3 Sims Voulez Vous WooHoo Avec Moi

The French Connection Mission Part VII
- Wearing the Neckerchief Ask 3 Sims Voulez Vous WooHoo Avec Moi
- WooHoo with 2 different Sims
- Post to Your Facebook Wall

And this is it! The French Connection Mission series, one that probably won't be that pleasing to the French people playing the game since it presents them as some sort of freaks. But this is a game, in the end, and we're playing for fun and the reward, which is - OBVIOUSLY - a Pistachio Paris Double Bed for your WooHooing pleasure with all those different Sims in your life.


  1. I can't get the french kiss option to appear`!

    1. me either! i've been trying for hours!

    2. Wear the neckerchief thing! That's the only time it showed up for me but it still took a few tries.

    3. It doesnt work i just tried that ^ ive been using all of my energy up and it still doesnt work , ive been trying for like 2 days now

  2. how do you woo-hoo with 2 different sims? do you have to break up and get together with another sim?

    1. I would like to know how to do it, too D:

    2. me too !!! this is very annoying !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. i m this close to finishing but i dont have anybody to do this step with!

    4. Nope. Just flirt with the other sim and there should be a naughty friends option that appears. That will give you the option to Woo Hoo without being romantically involved. Atleast that is how I did it. I also had that cupid arrow thing, so my flirting didn't take much. I think the trick is to flirt, flirt, flirt. Good luck.

    5. really getting on my nerves i cant get french kiss option to appear.

  3. Has anyone figured out how to woohoo with two different sims yet?

  4. I can't buy the French Bookcase, every time I buy one, it says that I have to reload, and the bookcase is gone. This is getting pretty annoying. help please.

    1. I wish I could help. Have you tried a different browser? Sometimes this helps when I have problems with sims social.

    2. try waiting for a day before doing that again? it happened to me too whenever i tried to decorate my romantic dinning table the other day. every time i decorated it and gained coins and stars, it would say that i have to reload.

      i got fed up and decided to stop doing that. after a day or two, it was ok again!

    3. I had that problem, too. I think the reason for it was that I completed 2 quest with buying it.. The other one being "Buy decoration worth 1.000". Then I first completed this quest.. And I could buy the French Bookcase!

  5. I can't do the "Wearing the Neckerchief Ask 3 Sims Voulez Vous WooHoo Avec Moi" of the last part of the quest. the option to "Voulez Vous WooHoo Avec Moi" just doesn't turn up in my interactions! i have been trying for 2 days =( anyone managed to complete that already?

    1. oh. i read on that "this seems to work only on Friends, and you must do flirty interactions to bring this up. This gives you the option of asking the Sim to be your "Naughty Friend."

      i tried that and it worked!
      the "Voulez Vous WooHoo Avec Moi" option finally came up after doing flirty actions with a friend a few times.

    2. What is woohoo and how do you get? Thank you.

  6. HELP how do you ask a sim "voulez vous woohoo avec moi" ?????
