Thursday, January 26, 2012

Complete Guide for the Sims Social Delusions of Grandeur Mission Series

Marie Antoinette's week has debuted in The Sims Social and this means that apart from brand new classy content in the game, we also have some new missions to complete in our favorite social game. The title of the mission series is Delusions of Grandeur and I am here to share with you all the details about these missions and tips if they are necessary.

So let's start by checking out the requirements and rewards for the Delusions of Grandeur missions in The Sims Social!

Delusions of Grandeur Part I
- Clean or polish 6 Items around your home
- Practice Blowing a Kiss (visit neighbors and perform action)
- Practice Playing the Harp (find Golden Harp at Bella's)

Delusions of Grandeur Part II
- Tell 5 Sims to expect a royal visit soon
- Have Relaxation
- Clean or Polish Friends Items 3 Times

Delusions of Grandeur Part III
- Have Bling
- Have new items from the Marie Antoinette theme
- I need a maid! (get three friends to click your wall post)

Delusions of Grandeur Part IV
- Have a Wig from this week's new theme
- Wearing Wig, Bow or Curtsey 6 Sims (visit them)
- Learn to Speak Proper (click on Computer and perform action 10 times)

Delusions of Grandeur Part V
- Tell 8 Sims that you only eat cake now
- Remove 8 Bread from Sims Fridges
- Tell friends that you don't mix with Commoners (again, Facebook wall post)

Delusions of Grandeur Part VI
- Have 3 dirty or broken items in your house
- Warn 9 sims against being taken in by Madame de Pomposim
- Paint a moustache on Madame Pomposim's painting (find it in Bella's House).

And this is the fun new Delusions of Grandeur mission series in The Sims Social. Don't forget that you have to complete it in order to get a chance to finish the A Very Shy Belle mission too and get some really sweet rewards!


  1. Does anyone know HOW to polish or what can be polished? I do not have anything dirty to clean, and I cannot find anything with the option to Polish!

    1. Polish is for those who have the cleaning trait maxed

  2. idk about polishing i just used my bathroom appliances a bunch and cooked on the stove a bunch until they got dirty

  3. im looking for ways to clean my friends homes as NONE of them have anything dirty.... so my question is... WHAT NOW?

  4. First level doesn't work! I have cleaned 10 times and it is stuck on 5 out of 6 complete. FAIL!

  5. I ended up buying an extra toilet and an extra shower just to complete the first part. I am currently using a neighbors bathroom items a bunch of times to see if it will trigger the "clean" interaction.

  6. why there's no bow or curtsey option when i click on another sim?

  7. You have to do a bunch of actions and hope the bow or curtsy option shows up. I've been trying all day and have been able to curtsy to 3 sims. By now, I don't even remember to which ones.

  8. i also cant move on from first level of the quest because i cleaned my toilet, shower, sink, stove, and grill twice each and still the first mission is still 5/6 done. =(

    1. Can't be the same item twice. I ended up buying new items to dirty and clean.

  9. I cant clean anything of my friends I sat there though a whole movie washing my hand and couldn't trigger it how do you complete this?

  10. When it comes to cleaning your fiends stuff I just left stuff in my house dirty and the only thing you can really do is hope people will see that you did it and will start doing it.

  11. ja tenho 2 bonecas como consigo a terceira?

  12. Ask them to make things dirty

  13. Wig bow option won't show up
