Thursday, December 1, 2011

What's Inside the Sims Social Mystery Box?

The Sims Social has received a new item in the market - the Mystery Box, and I am sure that you're wondering what is inside this mystery box. Luckily for you, I have these details and I'm ready to share them with you, but first we should read and learn a few more things about the Sims Social Mystery Box filled with Christmas surprises.

First of all, you can purchase Mystery Boxes in three quantities: 1 for 15 Sim Cash, 5 for 75 and 10 for 150. So unfortunately, there is no discount for purchasing more, which seems a little strange. Next, about the rewards: all are given randomly, meaning that you can find inside the Sims Social mystery box any of the items listed above and you can even find the same item more than once - it all depends on your luck!

Now here is the list of items that can be found inside these new Sims Social Mystery Boxes:

Common rewards (most likely to be found):

- Winter Lights Holiday Tree (market value of 19 Sim Cash, Gives 2,800 House value)
- Winter Lights Bare Tree (market value of 19 Sim Cash, gives 2,800 house value)
- Pine Cone with Holly (market value of 6 Sim Cash, gives 900 house value)
- Blue Winter Bush (market value of 6 Sim Cash, gives 900 house value)
- Snowy Winter Berry Bush (market value of 5 Sim Cash, gives 750 house value)
- Simple Winter Tree (market value of 5 Sim Cash, gives 750 house value)

Uncommon rewards (slimmer chances to get them):

- SparkleDeer (market value of 35 Sim Cash, 5,150 House Value)
- SparkleBear (market value of 35 Sim Cash, 5,150 House Value)
- Mr Robin's Mailbox Home (market value of 25 Sim Cash, 3,700 House Value)

Rare Rewards:

- Winter Lights Luxury Gazebo Bet (market value of 149 Sim Cash, 22,000 House Value)
- Winter Lights Garden Bench (market value of 49 Sim Cash, 7,250 House Value)
- SparkleTree (market value of 39 Sim Cash, 5,750 House Value)

It is true that there are some really nice rewards, but with the common rewards that we have at lower prices than the cost of the Mystery Box, it's really a big gamble.

Will you purchase Mystery Boxes in The Sims Social in hopes of being rewarded with the better value items?

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