Friday, December 2, 2011

The Sims Social Starts Dropping in the Charts of the Most Popular Facebook Games

November was not a good month for The Sims Social, even though the game's problem were not as big as they used to be and the freebies kept finding their way to our homes. However, despite the positives, The Sims Social started to sink a little bit in the most popular Facebook games chart and here is how things stand:

- In terms of Monthly Active Players, The Sims Social fell to number three, half a million behind FarmVille which managed to get an impressive 500,000 extra new players recently (probably due to the release of the Winter Wonderland).
- In terms of Daily Active players, things are even worse, with The Sims Social falling to number 5 behind 5 new Zynga games, including the recently launched CastleVille which is riding really high at the moment.

Here is a chart, courtesy of AppData:

What do you think is the possible explanation for the drop in Sims Social players?


  1. It never works and it's really slow, people stop playing for this! Me for example. They should fix it

  2. Items are too expensive..
    i almost gave up once.

  3. Pet Society is not a Zynga title, folks. Revise the info before publishing...

  4. actually sim social is a unique game than the rest like ville and city games in facebook. the edge of sim social is the luxury to do things like what we cant have in the real life. i think they fell from the board because of the things like need to collect things from the gift requests.. (i mean you need too many of them). i think upgraded status relationships married,seperated etc. would be great!!! more interactions would be great also..
